Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am trying to create an image map. I use the correct code and it works in IE, but NOT in Mozilla Fi

Is there a code that makes it work in Firefox? My links will work in Internet Explorer, but they won't work in Mozilla Firefox. Is there anybody that can help?

Maybe even have a sample code that will work in both IE and MF?

And explain why it doesn't work in MF but it does in IE?

I am trying to create an image map. I use the correct code and it works in IE, but NOT in Mozilla Firefox.?microsoft updates

E-mail me the URL and I'll take a look.


OK what's this x1,y23,x45,y34 junk about? I only know the coordinates to work as numbers, like 1,23,45,34. Try that.

I am trying to create an image map. I use the correct code and it works in IE, but NOT in Mozilla Firefox.?windows server 2003 internet explorer

%26lt;IMG SRC="/""" WIDTH=*** HEIGHT=*** BORDER=* ALT="" USEMAP="#YourMap_Map"%26gt;

%26lt;MAP NAME="YourMap"%26gt;

%26lt;AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="742,459,784,482" HREF=""%26gt;

%26lt;AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="687,459,736,482" HREF=""%26gt;

%26lt;AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="643,459,680,482" HREF=""%26gt;

%26lt;AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="605,459,636,482" HREF=""%26gt;

%26lt;AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="" COORDS="556,459,599,482" HREF=""%26gt;


That's the only bit of code you should copy, it works in all I think.

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