Friday, November 27, 2009

HTML page in IE and FireFox URGENT Q?

HI, I have problem.

this page for example:

looks normal in FF, but in IE it is total mess.

What I can do to fix it?

HTML page in IE and FireFox URGENT Q?windows live

I checked it under both and didnt see a problem.

If it is a placement issue IE places padding on everything by default which must be overrode with CSS where-as Firefox by default DOES NOT use padding by default. This offsets your coordinate placement by about 5 pixels vert, and horizontally. To correct this use Javascript to detect browser and dynamically place the external stylesheet to the HTML doc dependant on the browser.

Use google of yahoo to search for "Javascript browser detection script" and you will find somthing to modify. The make 2 external CSS pages to make the 2 look the same. That you will have to tinker with but the attribute is padding that you need to mess with in your "p" and "body" sections of CSS

HTML page in IE and FireFox URGENT Q?windows media player 11 internet explorer

It looks fine in Firefox 3 and IE 7 for me. You may want to try reloading Flash as it suggests on the site.
The problem is essentially the flashplayers. Even after re-installing the flash component the players will not all show on one page, only the one is the lower left hand corner. In Firefox, all show. To make matters a little more interesting, the site (which is laid out in Dreamweaver) isn't laid out for the "rap" remix player to be there. Instead it should be the "soca" remix player. I've checked for compatibility issues using Dreamweaver and the only problem in the script according to the program is with the line %26lt;link href="/"style.css"" which apparently isnt compatible with IE.

I have even tried just putting the script for the players on a new html page and the same problem still occurs. Only one player can be viewed. I am an amateur web designer so you will have to excuse my ignorance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I also tried placing the Detect Javascript text on the page and still nothing.

I've seemed to fix the placement problem by manually setting the Z for each object instead of having it automatic.

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