My function call looks like this (spaces printed and %26lt; changed to | so
yahoo doesn't censor the code):
|input type="button" on Click = " javascript : lookup
document . getElementById ('parentbox2') ,
document. getElementsByTagName ('pagingmax') .
options [ document. getElementsByTagName('pagingmax'). selectedIndex]. value ) "
This work fine (calls the function and runs it properly) under IE
but not Firefox (Firefox won't even run the function at all).
In fact Firefox's javascript debugger claims the options and selectedindex properties do not exist!
But, of course, I want to make my code cross-browser compatible.
Any ideas?
Javascript: problem getting values from option boxes under FireFox (works fine in IE), different syntax?microsoft windows xp
I'd bet it's the field parentbox2.
name and ID are pretty much equivalent in IE.. but in firefox they are not.
so if parentbox2 doesn't have an id, it just won't work.
Javascript: problem getting values from option boxes under FireFox (works fine in IE), different syntax?ie 7 internet explorer
try to put a function in stead of using the code directely
that's will be ok
bye for now
both return arrays not elements (getElements not getElement).
so looking at your code I would have expected
document.getElementsByName ('pagingmax') [0].
Try this anyway and see.
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