Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why is netflix' "Watch it now" crashing my IE?

It works one out of 20 times, but most of the time it crashes. I use Firefox for everything else; the Netflix player is only compatible with IE. I am not using IE7.

Why is netflix' "Watch it now" crashing my IE?windows vista

load the latest upgrade to won't take up anymore space than you're already using. that should stop the crashes

Why is netflix' "Watch it now" crashing my IE?windows defender internet explorer

You need to contact Netflix about this issue, because it's their player design. so it's and error that they need to help you resolve, there are to many variables when try to resolve a problem with a proprietary software.

If after contacting their support and they can help you I would suggest using another service. If they can't provide good quality support for their own product you don't need to pay them for problems.

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