Sunday, November 29, 2009

Internet Explorer keeps mucking up Firefox. I can't delete or uninstall IE. Help?

How can I a) delete or remove Internet Explorer, b) prevent IE from running, or c) make Firefox able to withstand the assault? Any help appreciated!

Internet Explorer keeps mucking up Firefox. I can't delete or uninstall IE. Help?internet explorer update

Internet Explorer and Microsoft are like brother and sister, and they can't really be separated, but. . . . If u install a very useful program called "Ccleaner" you can specifically get rid of IE, go to and search the program and read about it, if you're a little uncomfortable.

Internet Explorer keeps mucking up Firefox. I can't delete or uninstall IE. Help?web browser internet explorer

What happens, only IE%26amp; can be uninstalled, all the others are vital for operation of Windows.
What muck are you talking about
Both browsers are setup to check to make themselves the default browser every time they are started. I am almost 100% sure you can disable this question by means of a checkbox in the same dialog box where you are prompted for this upon starting the browser.

As for uninstalling IE, I am not familiar with any non-hacking-related practices to do this. Simply don't use it, if you don't want to. :)

Best of luck!
What exactly is IE doing to keep mucking up Firefox?

If it's changing the default browser then that's not a big issue, simply change IE's preferences so that it stops checking if it's the default browser. End of problem.

If it's something else, you'll need to be far more specific and provide more information (such as what version of Windows) for anyone to be of assistance because while IE may be a pain, it is deeply integrated into the latest versions of Windows and required for some programs to operate as they are hardcoded to look for IE.

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